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Meet 3 Extraordinary Brazilian Mediums: Chico Xavier, Jose Medrado & Sonia Rinaldi

As featured on Shades of the Afterlife Episode 191 with Sandra Champlain Enjoying Shades? Could you kindly leave a review? Thank you! -Sandra


1) Chico Xavier

Francisco CĆ¢ndido XavierĀ medium, healer and psychographer, who would write more than 400 books and thousands of letters channeled by the deceased. He is thought by many to be the most famous person from Brazil and responsible for spreading Spiritism.

Rent the film 'Astral City' on YouTube Discover the Timeline of Chico Xavier and Pictures of His Work Chico Xavier Interviews and Videos of His Work

2) Jose Medrado

Jose Medrado turns 'paint into bread' with artists in spirit working through him while in trance. With all monies raised he maintains the City of Light orphanage & community center. Renoir made it clear to Medrado when they started to work together that if even one cent of the money that came from the paintings was used for anything except service to the poor, the painters would stop working with him.

Watch Videos of Jose Medrano painting Visit his "City of Light" Orphanage & Community Services Website

* If you are in a position to donate - The City of Light needs help. The Government imposed a new Fire regulations rule which amounts to $30,000 US Dollars worth of building updates that must to be completed in 2024 or they will be forced to close. This would leave over 3000 people without support and many are homeless. This community relies on the constantĀ support from the City of Light for food, free medical, dental, psychologists and social support.
Any Donation is appreciated and donations can be made at the City of Light Donation Page HERE

See Jose's Medrado's 'City of Light' (Cidade da Luz) Orphanage & Community Center

Watch Jose Medrado paint in trance

3) Sonia Rinaldi

Sonia Rinaldi's work may be the very best reason to believe in the afterlife. Through her images and voices received, there have been thousands of recognized loved ones. Be sure to watch the documentary film we created about here below AND see the follow up presentation with her latest experiments.

Join Sonia's Patreon Site to Get Full Access to her past & current research!

Documentary Film on Sonia Rinaldi's Work

Sonia Rinaldi's Presentation on Latest Experiments from August 2023

In 2023, Sonia and her team compiled a catalog of 2020-2022 Unknown Persons that appeared in her images. Recently, this new report was released with 25 loved ones recognized! Also, the new catalog of 2022-2024 Unknown Persons is HERE

Sonia Rinaldi does not offer personal readings, but does choose from her Patreon Community Members when she does her experiments. Sonia never asks for money, but many of us feel she needs resources in order to continue doing this important work. For as little as $5 dollars per month you can support her work and receive all of her e-magazines and reports and so much more! JOIN SONIA'S PATREON COMMUNITY HERE

*Are you enjoying Shades of the Afterlife? Please let me know! Write me at [email protected]

'Children with Real SuperPowers' (Video of children 'seeing' although blind-folded)

This video was also mentioned on Episode 191